Live Review – Vinyl Williams at Moth Club 

After seeing the LA-based multimedia artist perform at The Shacklewell Arms in 2022, LDN writer Andrea Naess eagerly welcomes back Vinyl Williams at one of her favourite East London venues

Words and photos: Andrea Naess 

Vinyl William’s unique blend of psychedelic soundscapes and dream pop has gained him a steady and loyal following since his debut in 2007. Having previously seen his set at The Shacklewell Arms in 2022 and been mesmerized, I was eager to catch the American psych star’s set again on his return to the U.K. His latest release Aeterna has been praised and described as sounding like it’s performed in a ‘vast heavenly hall’. In other words, the bar was set high for the evening. 

“Melodious psychedelia” opening act, Floral Image

We arrive at one of my favourite London venues Moth Club in Hackney, an artsy and colourful hipster paradise, where we enter straight to the support act Floral Image, a melodious psychedelia 5-piece hailing from Norwich. The group gives off strong 60s hippie vibes with long hair and flare jeans. And the hippie theme is something that we will be seeing more of this evening. Their opener ‘Chance’, followed by ‘Feel Around You’ are atmospheric singles, both from 2023. Standouts from their set include ‘Round & Round’ which has mesmerizing melodies and hypnotic rhythms. It begins with a gentle drum and soft guitar riffs, reminiscing of sunlight filtering through a see-through window on a cold morning. The song is poetic and introspective, with lyricism speaking about life’s constant ebb and flow. 

Moving on from an optimistic and mellow start, ‘Gallipoli’ has a faster tempo than the others and it’s the more boppy tune out of all of them. The crowd seems to agree, judging by the dancing hippies at the front and nodding heads everywhere. What is very refreshing about these types of concerts is that people seem to be very much in the moment, there are barely any phones out, and people are truly there for the music. A great way to start the night, thanks Floral Image the psych-rock wizards of Norwich. 

Vinyl Williams with the hypnotic artwork in the background

There’s a little beer break before headliner Vinyl Williams enters the stage. The 34-year-old is based in L.A. and has a great discography under his belt, dating all the way back to 2007. The artist can be compared to King Gizzard and The Lizzard Wizzard and Tame Impala, who are the leading artists of the neo-psychedelic genre. However, Williams appears more gentler and spacey than them. The space and universe themes are common in his artistry and lyricism and his artwork is often consisting of kaleidoscope images with lots of bright colours and hypnotic patterns. The artwork is visible on a huge screen displayed during the set, which the musician himself also has created. 

‘Sanctuary Spells’ opens the show, and it works as a gentle introduction for the rest of the set. The lush vocals and the intricate layers of electronic and organic elements create an otherworldly sonic landscape that only Vinyl can create. In the first few songs though, it seems like his voice isn’t quite collaborating with him. He’s a little off tune but he quickly gets back on track again when we get to ‘L’Quasar’ and ‘Beaming’, some personal favourites. The hypnotic rhythm evokes imagery of distant galaxies and Williams has again proven his ability to take the audience through a dreamlike sonic landscape that he is so known for. The hippie feel of the place is complete with Williams’ ability to create a uniting atmosphere of peace and love. Dude.

Vinyl Williams: Bringing the hippie spirit to popular Hackney venue, The Moth Club

He ends the set with ‘Lansing’, and ‘Feedback Delicates’, two of the more popular songs, and the crowd is singing and dancing along with a unifying spirit. Vinyl seems to unite the crowd even more than the opener, and people are dancing, lost in the music and forgetting for a moment that another Monday is fast approaching. 

As a little cherry on top of the hippie counterculture experience and a little F. U. to ‘the man’, Williams makes a satirical joke about the police which this reviewer shall not repeat. We leave the venue with a smile, thinking that maybe the hippie era isn’t dead after all…

Aeterna is out now via Harmony. Keep an eye out for Williams his next UK tour dates on his website. 

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